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Unravel Intro Cinematic

Unravel took the world by storm and the lovable little character Yarny won over our hearts here at Bläck and Imagination Studios. Coldwood contacted us to help them tell the story of where everything began, where Yarny came from and why Yarny started is journey. We started our collaboration together with Coldwood and their amazing team to find the perfect setting and feeling to this melancholic intro cinematic.

My job was to sculpt the lady based of the looks of motion capture actress Rakel Vinka.


Jörgen Lilja: Executive Producer

Fredrik Löfberg: Director

Gustaf Holmsten: Art Director

Henrik Eklundh: VFX Supervisor

Jonas Skoog: Lead Character Artist

Jonas Ekman: Lead Animator

Simon Rainerson: Light & FX TD

Calle Granström: Lead Compositor

Peter Blomstrand: Compositor

Pontus Garmvild: Production Manager

Peter Jemstedt: Rigging TD

Sebastian Salvo: Junior 3D Artist

Erik Tylberg: Junior 3D Artist

Motion capture by Imagination Studios

Studio Manager: Anton Söderhäll

Motion Capture Animation Manager: Andrew Hutchinson

Motion Capture Supervisor: Samuel Tyskling

Motion Capture Lead: David Grice

Software Developer: Jakob Alenius


Rakel Vinka

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