Dead by Daylight: Halloween

Cinematic for Starbreeze Studios/Behaviour Interactive. The goal was to catch the essence of the game while capturing the suspense from the original 1978 John Carpenter movie.
I was tasked with creating the female in this trailer that gets hunted by Michael Myers.
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Client: Starbreeze
Production company: Bläck
Director, Lead Animator: Staffan Linder
Supervisor, L/R: Henrik Eklundh
Producer: Johan Sundbaum
Executive Producer: Jörgen Lilja
Character Artist (Laurie): Jonas Skoog
Character Artist (Myers): Daniel Bystedt
Modeler (Myers House): Magnus Eriksson
Modeler (Environment): Gustav Alexandersson
Rigger: Peter Jemstedt
L/R: Erika Johansson, Hannes Drossel
FX: Max Öberg
Concept Artist: Teo Mathlein
Grade: Gustaf Holmsten
Motion Capture: Imagination Studios