Conan Exiles - Launch Trailer

They call me Barbarian
We at Bläck & Imagination Studios present to you this epic Conan Exiles launch trailer. Our great friends at Funcom gave us the creative freedom to visualise and capture Conan in a stunning piece that tells the short story of how “you” as a player starts off in the game. Choose your path “Survive, Build, Dominate”.
For this trailer I was assigned to create both Conan and his female counterpart Razma. I also got to create the ingame version of Conan featured in the game.
Fredrik Löfberg: Director
Tom Olsson: Executive Producer
Johan Sundbaum: Producer
Gustaf Holmsten: Art Director
Henrik Eklundh: VFX Supervisor
Pontus Garmvild: Head of Production
Jonathan Forefält: Production Coordinator
Jonas Skoog: Character Artist
Daniel Bystedt: Character Artist
Mikael Widegren: Concept Artist, Matte Paint
Jonas Ekman: Lead Animator
Jonathan Skifs: Animator
Raoul Cacciamani: Animator
Rickard Engqvist: Animator
Christina Sidoti: Animator
Simon Rainerson: Light & FX TD
Hannes Drossel: Light
Alexis Andersson: Light
Max Öberg: Lead FX Simulation
Martin Miroľa: FX Simulation
Peter Blomstrand: Lead Compositor & FX
Calle Granström: Compositor & Matte Paint
Henrik Klein: Compositor
Peter Jemstedt: Rigging TD
Sandra Isaksson: 3D Artist
Agnes Lindsten: Junior 3D Artist
Jacob Moilanen: Junior 3D Artist
Georgios Sideras: Junior 3D Artist
Martin Steinberg: Grade
Knut Avenstroup Haugen: Music Composer
Arild Iversen: Sound Design
Andres Rignell: Virtual Camera Operator
Motion capture by Imagination Studios
Anton Söderhäll: Studio Manager
Samuel Tyskling: Motion Capture Supervisor
David Grice: Motion Capture Lead
Nils Aulin: Motion Capture Specialist
Jakob Alenius: Software Developer
Performance by
Daniel “The Beast” Atterhagen: Conan
Matilda Olsson: Razma
Nicklas Hansson: Stunt Coordinator & Performer