Axe and Battlefield 4

Visual Art was approached by the creative agency with the mission to make a co-branded commercial for AXE and Battlefield 4.
In this TV spot with AXE and EA my role as character artist was to do likeness sculpts of the female and male hero based on the talents casted by our director Fredrik Löfberg.
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Client: AXE and EA
Director: Fredrik Löfberg
Video Director (Ingame capture): Roland Smedberg, DICE
Exec. Producer: Dan Svensson
Producer: Jörgen Lilja
3D Character Artist: Jonas Skoog
VFX Supervisor/3D Lead Artist: Pontus Garmvild
3D: Jonas Ekman, Henrik Eklundh
2D: Calle Granström, Peter Blomstrand, Gustaf Holmsten
Storyboard: Love Gunnarsson
Mocap Studio: Imagination Studios